The Rabbit Hole:
Colleen Criss
Gina Soulstar is the Mad Hatter behind the Rabbit Hole and took time out to answer a few questions about her adult Wonderland.
So who is Gina Soulstar and tell us a bit about your SL journey?
Soulstar: I was told about SL by my father after watching CSI with their Down the Rabbit Hole feature. I became a dancer here on SL and became intrigued by the possibility's that SL had to offer. I worked on various sex sims as a hostess and after 4 years I had out grown alot of the sims and just found that theres was a huge niche for voice sex of the bdsm variety.
What do you mean by outgrew other sims?
Soulstar: I found they were more based on the Secondlife version of bdsm which did not cover the real fetish/ BDSM community and or had far too many rules not allowing adults to be adults. It grew tiring fast.
What is the story behind the mixture of BDSM and Wonderland that is the Rabbit Hole?
Soulstar: After a few people had mentioned being around the sim was like, "falling through a rabbit hole and into another Second Life dimension," a part of my brain found it very amusing and decided to build on that .. thus the Rabbit Hole was born! Our motto here is we are breaking Second Life for the better.
Domino Dupre
What can a visitor to the Rabbit Hole expect to find?
Soulstar: When entering the Rabbit Hole through the small door in the tp zone, the first thing that strikes someone new is the crazy, bizarre and elaborate theme of the sim; from flying playing cards to plants that eat and follow you Be careful though, we are RLV enabled and you never know what may happen. After all, we are a voice sex sim.... *laugh*
I noticed the auctions, how does that work here?
Soulstar: Sat 2pm - 4pm & Sun 6pm - 8pm
The Rabbit Hole vips can either throw people under the bus .. which is recommending someone to be auctioned off ( the person thrown under the bus can confirm or deny their participation ) or they can put themselves up for auction... other people can bid on them for a date or cam date or something naughtier if they wish. They receive 70% of the money from bid with the rest going toward the sim tier. Anonymous bids can be made in the auctioneers IM. After the auction both party's are notified.Soulstar: People will type to those that dont voice, but alot is said and done on voice or over voice so having ears helps alot.
What are your future plans for the Rabbit Hole?
Soulstar: Second Life domination! ...LOL .. Seriously, the community we have here voice what they are interested in and we do our best to please. We have more events planned, hosting sessions, live entertainment and a lot more naughtiness. We like to spice Second Life up so where something falls short we take it break it and make it kinky ... suggestions always welcome.

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